Georgiana Preskar
Georgiana Preskar
​Georgiana Preskar began her career into politics 15 years ago. Her investigative personality drew her to the discovery of the SEED program in Elk Grove CA in 2003. Her life changed forever. She pioneers education that makes sense; authentic rule of law, which is
God's authority, natural law, and the Constitution.
Her background is varied and having been into the feminist movement in the 60's, she understands how easily "insane' thinking can happen to women. She also was brainwashed by her professors at San Francisco State College in the late 60's.
She now speaks the truth; no political correctness. Many a liberal, and conservative cringe for her early discoveries prove to be the cause of America's chaos and destruction. She found White Privilege education within the SEED program in 2003. Few thought it serious.
Her primary subject matter now is the White Privilege scam being perpetrated throughout America. Come on lets get serious. How could no one recognize the horror of this years ago? The simple truth: brainwashing does exist.
Once individuals and organizations succumb to brainwashing, compromise becomes easy for it is a loving thing to do. This is when it becomes dangerous. Many awful things take place under the guise of love.
Georgians, after discovering the SEED program, knew we were in grave danger. She has authored four books and compiled instructive programs that deal with diversity reform, white privilege and the wheel of oppression,
common sense, compromise, and the
STOP movement.
Georgiana is not only an author, but wife of Michael for 43 years, mother of two (Michael and Michelle) and grandmother of 10 all under age 12. She is a sociologist, registered nurse, NRA Certified Pistol instructor, NRA Refuse To Be A Victim instructor, and presently the Director of Eagle Ed USA.
She was the Director of the original Eagle Forum of Sacramento for 15 years and Diversity Reform USA, diversity director on the California Eagle Forum board, and voted into the Sacramento Republican Central Committee. Her past included being a substitute school teacher, real estate agent, religious education instructor and
prayer coordinator.
Her zest for doing right and avoiding wrong has brought her to much research on absolute truth, moral relativism, and her present commitment to educating why compromise of truth is destroying America through White Privilege and the Wheel of Oppression curriculum in enforced diversity programs.
Georgians has been on radio, conducted educational seminars, worked with legislators on bills, lobbied at state capitol, has done in home education seminars, and worked within churches and schools to educate as to enforced diversity programs and how they victimize not only individuals, but groups unaware of the propaganda taught by them with the intent to transform America.
Her other websites are
eagleeyeeducation.com and eagleforumofsacramento.org